Queen's Gate Sixth form girls outside the Royal Albert Hall

Sixth Form Pastoral Care

Sixth Form life at Queen’s Gate is based on strong and respectful relationships between staff and students. Sixth Form students play an important role in the life of Queen’s Gate, working closely with teachers in their roles as prefects, Sixth Form Sisters to younger pupils, Peer Mentors as well as running clubs and societies. 

At Queen’s Gate we appreciate that our Sixth Form pupils may have different wellbeing needs to those of our younger pupils. Every Sixth Former has a Work Tutor with whom she has 1:1 sessions to discuss study, wellbeing, passions and interests beyond the classroom as well as applications for Higher Education. Overall responsibility for Sixth Form pastoral care lies with the Head of Sixth Form and Head of LVI, who in turn work closely with the Director of Pastoral Care.

In Sixth Form PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) pupils are given the opportunity to think about life beyond Queen’s Gate. Sessions are discussion based and include the opportunity to explore female wellbeing, relationships, careers and the future, financial literacy as well as more practical matters such as travel safety and First Aid for undergrads.  Suggestions from pupils are always welcome, as we seek to make sure they feel fully ready for the challenges of university and life beyond.

Summer Open Events

Welcome to Queen’s Gate! We encourage you to come and experience the vibrant warmth of our School in South Kensington by booking an Open Event below.

Senior School Open Events from 5.00pm to 7.30pm:

18 September 2024
08 October 2024
03 October 2024 (Sixth Form)
07 November 2024

Junior School Open House from 9.30am to 10.45am:

30 September 2024


Click Here to Reserve Your Space