Queen's Gate parents at Summer Garden Party

Parents’ Association

Queen’s Gate School is very fortunate to benefit from the loyal and tireless support of its Parents’ Association.  The PTA has wings for the Junior School and Senior School, and is formed of parent Class Representatives from every year group. These two wings arrange activities throughout the year for the parents and pupils in their section of the school, as well as joining together for whole-school events.  The money raised is donated by the Parents’ Association towards specific projects they wish to support, or to gift one-off items.

The Parents’ Association’s major event each year is our Christmas Fair, a highlight of our festive season and always a huge success.  Other activities include drinks parties and our very popular and hotly-contested quiz nights.  The Junior School PTA kindly arrange a number of activities for the younger pupils, including our annual Easter egg hunt and a range of classic games for our celebratory Coronation Picnic.  The Parents’ Association has also worked in conjunction with the Queen’s Gate Development Fund to host an elegant Spring Supper attended by parents, staff and governors and is currently collaborating with the Fund on arranging a Burns Night Ball for January 2024.

New or current parents wishing to get involved in the Queen’s Gate School Parents’ Association are invited to share their contact details upon joining the school.  The Parents’ Association can also be contacted through the School Office who will be pleased to forward on any messages.

Summer Open Events

Welcome to Queen’s Gate! We encourage you to come and experience the vibrant warmth of our School in South Kensington by booking an Open Event below.

Senior School Open Events from 5.00pm to 7.30pm:

18 September 2024
08 October 2024
03 October 2024 (Sixth Form)
07 November 2024

Junior School Open House from 9.30am to 10.45am:

30 September 2024


Click Here to Reserve Your Space