Queen's Gate Lunches


Queen’s Gate School is proud to work with Thomas Franks for all our catering needs. From our daily school lunches to providing canapes and three-course suppers for our special occasions, Thomas Franks always delivers outstanding quality, working closely with the school to ensure attention to every detail.

For our lunches, Thomas Franks has put together a three-week menu to suit the needs of our cosmopolitan, London girls. The menu is internationally diverse, including cuisines from a range of cultures, and places heavy emphasis on including bold flavours and plenty of seasonal produce. Plainer options are always available, while the salad bar always features a mix of more creative combinations and simpler items, to ensure all pupils’ tastes are met.

Since Thomas Franks’ arrival as caterers in April 2023, we have introduced meat-free Mondays, when the whole menu is vegetarian, in response to pupil feedback that they wanted a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly approach. Vegetarian and vegan options continue to be offered daily throughout the rest of the week, and great care is taken to ensure these are nutritionally sound, with the use of pulses, tofu and meat substitutes to provide a good amount of protein for our busy, growing girls.

Celebratory occasions have included our Coronation Picnic, for which our catering team put together an incredible array of treats, including coronation chicken wraps, onion bhaji scotch eggs and individual Victoria sponge slices. Girls of all ages (and staff!) were able to load up individual picnic boxes with their choice from the selection available, before heading to one of our nearby parks to enjoy lunch al fresco. Thomas Franks have also provided the catering for events such as the Parents’ Association and Queen’s Gate Development Fund Spring Supper and 10 Year Alumnae Reunion Drinks, offering an array of delicious canapes as well as a true fine-dining experience complete with home-cured salmon.

Pupil feedback on our catering is always welcomed. Our pupil Food Committee has the opportunity to meet directly with the Thomas Franks team to share their feedback. These comments then inform the ongoing development and review of our regular menus, which are adapted each term to respond to the changing seasons.

Current parents are able to access our menus via MyQG. For a sample of what we offer, please see below.


Summer Open Events

Welcome to Queen’s Gate! We encourage you to come and experience the vibrant warmth of our School in South Kensington by booking an Open Event below.

Senior School Open Events from 5.00pm to 7.30pm:

18 September 2024
08 October 2024
03 October 2024 (Sixth Form)
07 November 2024

Junior School Open House from 9.30am to 10.45am:

30 September 2024


Click Here to Reserve Your Space