Queen's Gate Senior School girls in the music room

Senior School Academic

Queen’s Gate is proud of its reputation of providing a balanced engaging curriculum that allows all girls not only to thrive academically but often to exceed even their own expectations.  As ISI (2021) noted ‘The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievement is excellent’.

Years 7-9

Girls entering the Senior School will study seventeen subjects with both English and Mathematics being taught in sets.  This includes a range of classical subjects such as Latin as well as a whole suite of Modern Foreign Languages.  This incredibly broad curriculum allows the girls to explore and develop subject interests they might not otherwise have encountered, and serves as a really thorough foundation for their GCSE studies.

Alongside the development of their subject specific academic skills, girls are given the opportunity to develop a range of other skills through the Queen’s Gate Award as well as the cross curricular projects for Year 8.  Taking advantage of our London location, the girls’ horizons are further expanded through visits to museums, theatres, exhibitions and lectures.

Further super-curricular opportunities are regularly made available, such as participation in national competitions and the provision of material designed to challenge and extend their learning further.  Our well-stocked Library is yet another resource for our girls’ lively, interested minds, while Heads of Department regularly seek out new ways to help our girls go those few steps further.

These efforts were recognised in our most recent inspection report, which commented ‘Pupils have developed often excellent knowledge, skills and understanding through supplementary study skills and opportunities beyond the taught curriculum.  This rich offer of opportunity is strengthened by the warm relationships between pupils and teachers.


At GCSE, girls usually take around nine or ten subjects with English Language and Literature, Mathematics and a minimum of one science subject (Biology, Chemistry or Physics) sitting alongside a choice of five or six other subjects.  Options available span modern foreign languages, the arts and humanities.

A Level

In the Sixth form, girls will usually choose three A Level subjects and an Extended Project Qualification.  In a few cases girls will take four A levels, often adding Further Mathematics or a modern foreign language as their final choice.  Sixth Form girls also take part in an enrichment programme with a particular focus on university application both in the UK and abroad.

Summer Open Events

Welcome to Queen’s Gate! We encourage you to come and experience the vibrant warmth of our School in South Kensington by booking an Open Event below.

Senior School Open Events from 5.00pm to 7.30pm:

18 September 2024
08 October 2024
03 October 2024 (Sixth Form)
07 November 2024

Junior School Open House from 9.30am to 10.45am:

30 September 2024


Click Here to Reserve Your Space