Students with an Art Teacher

Acceptance Form

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Before signing this Acceptance Form (which forms part of the Parent Contract attached/enclosed), you should read (i) the terms and conditions in the Parent Contract and (ii) the School’s Code of Behaviour (and draw them (particularly the School’s Code of Behaviour) to the attention of your child).

I/We accept the offer of a place at the School for our daughter with effect from the date shown below and confirm that I/we have already transferred a deposit, the sum indicated below.


By signing this Acceptance Form I/we also confirm that:

• I/we agree to be bound by the Parent Contract;

• I/we confirm that I have completed the Direct Debit Mandate Form and that the original has been sent to the Bursar [1];

• the School may debit my/our account with the School fees and Supplemental charges on the first day of each term [1];

• all holders of parental responsibility [2] for the child named above have signed this Acceptance Form and that no one else holds parental responsibility for her;

• if applicable, I am/we are not (either jointly or individually) in arrears on the payment of any fees or charges owing to my/our child's current (or previous) school or educational establishment;

• we co-habit / live separately/I live [3] at the address(es) shown below and I/we agree to notify the School immediately of any change of address or our family circumstances;

• I/we attach copies of the following:-

• my/our current passports;
• a recent (less than three months’ old) utility bill or driving licence showing my/our current address;
• the completed Direct Debit Mandate Form [1].

• unless otherwise notified to the School in writing prior to signing this Acceptance Form:

• there are no court orders in place in respect of the care or living arrangements of my/our child or the payment of fees for her education; and
• any information or circumstances about me/us and/or my/our child that has previously been notified to the School (including information about my/our child’s health/medical conditions, disability and/or special educational needs, as part of the School's registration and admissions process) is and remains complete and accurate ; and
• my/our child has the right to enter, live and study in the United Kingdom and, if applicable, I/we have made appropriate arrangements for my/our child’s visa application, travel, reception, living and care in the UK. If I/we require the School to sponsor our child and issue a Certificate of Acceptance of Studies (“CAS”) to my/our child so that they may apply for relevant permission either to enter or to stay in the UK as a student (for which the School may charge and administration fee), I/we have previously notified the School of this. I note that if the School has made my/our child a conditional offer, then it will not be able to issue a CAS to her until the conditions of that offer have been met.

IMPORTANT – when you complete, sign and submit this Acceptance Form and pay the deposit, you and the School enter into a legally binding contract, upon the School's terms and conditions.
If you subsequently change your mind and decide to withdraw your daughter before she takes up her place, you may lose your deposit and be responsible for paying us fees in lieu of notice – see Clause 3 of the terms and conditions for more information about this.

Clear Signature
Clear Signature
Tick Here
Tick Here


Each person with parental responsibility for the child is required to sign this Acceptance Form and the School will normally treat any instruction, authority, request or prohibition received from one signatory as having been given on behalf of all signatories and therefore on behalf of all those with parental responsibility for the child.

An exception to this is with regard to a notice of withdrawal of the child from the School - such notice must be signed by all those with parental responsibility for the child. (See Clause 8(i) of the terms and conditions in the Parent Contract.)



[1] Any arrangement other than by Direct Debit to pay the School fees must be agreed with the Bursar in advance.

[2]Under education law, a “parent” in relation to a child includes: (a) the child’s parent; (b) any person who is not the child’s parent but who has parental responsibility for them; and/or (c) any person who has care of the child.  “Parental responsibility” is defined in the Children Act 1989 as "all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his or her property".  It equates to legal responsibility for the child.  If you have any doubts about whether you do or do not have parental responsibility for the child, you may wish to seek legal advice.  Further information is also available here:

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
A recent (less than three months' old) utility bill or driving licence showing my/our current address
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you do not have a copy of this, please download a copy by clicking the link below this form. Please note: a digital signature is not accepted by banks. You will need to print this out, sign it, scan it and then upload it.

Direct Debit Form

Open Events


Senior School Summer Term Open Evening

Please click here to register for our next Open Evening which takes place on 24 April 2025